Scott Morrison has broken down in tears describing his wife, mother and daughters as “the centre of his life” as he described the “crap” women have put up with all their lives.

In an emotional press conference, the Prime Minister said he was shocked and disgusted by a month of revelations over alleged rapes, sexual assault and “disgusting behaviour” by men at Parliament House.

A Liberal staffer was sacked on Monday after Channel 10 aired revelations he had sent an image of himself performing a lewd act on a female MP’s desk to a group of fellow staffers, in the latest scandal to rock Parliament House.

The Prime Minister acknowledged it had been a “traumatic month” in parliament, since former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins alleged she was raped by a colleague in the building in 2019.

“Criticise me if you like for speaking about my daughters, but they are the centre of my life,’’ he said.

“My wife is the centre of my life. My mother, my widowed mother is the centre of my life. They motivate me every day on this issue. They have motivated me my entire life, they have taught me the values and the faith that sustains me every single day in this job.

“Which is why I am here, I owe them everything. And to them I say to you girls, I will not let you down.

“To the many other women who are in this place, who have shared their stories with me, I thank you for your feedback, your honesty, your support, your counsel, and your courage.

“I know there are plenty of women who work in this building today, whether they be members or senators, investors, shadow ministers, staff, journalists, who say ‘Why should I bother? Why should I bother? Why should I not just walk away?’

RELATED: PM fires up over Brittany Higgins revelation

RELATED: Brittany probe sensationally suspended

“There has never been a more important time for women to stand in this place. I want to see more women in this place, I have done anything to get more women in this place and I intend to do more.

“I have put more women in my cabinet than any other Prime Minister has before, and I look forward to doing more. I need women to stand with me.”

Mr Morrison said he would address all staff today about the revelations that men had filmed themselves masturbating on female MPs desks.

The Prime Minister said many good women and men worked at Parliament House.

“We must get our House in order,’’ he said.

“Women have been putting up with this crap all their lives.”

More to come

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