April 20-May 20

The recognition you so deserve will be served to you on a silver platter. Venus, the planet of charm, and Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, combine forces in your sector of career and image.


May 21-June 21

Travel plans that have been kiboshed, for obvious reasons, are now back on the table. Positive energy from Jupiter, the lucky planet, suggests you’ll be able to book some sort of adventure.


June 22-July 22

Happy days! The stars are filling the sector associated with other people’s money with luck. Expect windfalls – a pay rise, an unexpected inheritance or a tax rebate. At the very least, you’ll be the recipient of people’s generosity.


July 23-August 22

Your love life is about to take a distinct turn for the better! Venus, the planet of love, and Jupiter, the planet of luck, are both in your relationship sector sat the moment, so there’s no better time to turn up the heat.


August 23-September 22

Two heads are better than one. This is the perfect time to collaborate; whether with colleagues or business partners, you’ll effortlessly bounce ideas off each other and come up with some amazing plans.


September 23-October 22

You have enormous talent and are one of the more artistic signs of the zodiac. Right now you are white-hot, thanks to ruler Venus and Jupiter lighting up your sector of creativity. Time to get cracking on that masterpiece!


October 23 – November 22

Home and family are your main focus but thankfully events will be drama-free. There are beautiful vibes, courtesy of Venus and Jupiter in your domestic zone, so it’s perfect for improving the bonds between family members.


November 23-December 20

Your game is tight! The stunning combination of Venus and Jupiter in your communication sector gives you the gift of the gab – and even though you’re known for putting your foot in it, you’ll charm and delight.


December 21-January 19

Lower your expectations and try not to be stubborn when it comes to possessions and purchases. Seek advice from honest Scorpios or Saggies and swallow a bitter pill if necessary. You’ll be encouraged to tie up loose ends.


January 20-February 18

Feeling lucky? You should! Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will open doors and present endless possibilities. But they won’t necessarily land in your lap; you’ll need to recognise them. Once you act, the world is your oyster.


February 19-March 20

You may be enchanting, but no amount of flattery will get you out of sticky situations, so be careful. Thankfully, your partner won’t be immune to your charms!

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