Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has played down the prospect of a Medicare-style levy being imposed on taxpayers to help cover the cost of a better aged care system.

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety suggested increasing the Medicare levy or imposing a separate one could provide some of the funding boost sorely needed in the sector. On Monday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison appeared open to raising funding in this way.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has played down the prospect of the government introducing a levy to help fund aged care.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

But on Wednesday, Mr Frydenberg pointed to the Coalition’s track record on cutting taxes, not raising them.

“I notice that the commissioners had different approaches with respect to the levy or the tax proposals, but it is fair to say our government’s track record has been about delivering lower taxes,” he said. “That’s what you’ll consistently see from a Coalition government.”

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