Anna Gold, 41, is accused of bigamy after marrying Robert Winston Gold in Brisbane in December 2006 when she was allegedly already married to San Nam Bae.NED-3269 Gold Coast Download Newsletter BannerGold was not charged over the incident until March last year.The Brisbane woman appeared in Southport Magistrates Court on Wednesday facing charges of bigamy, stalking, using a carriage service to place a bomb hoax and numerous counts of failing to appear in court.It is alleged she called a bomb hoax in to Mylne Lawyers in Robina on September 4, 2019.Gold is also accused of stalking a woman in Brisbane between December 26, 2018 and August 7, 2020.NED-2822-GCB-APPDuty lawyer Sarah Jowitt on Wednesday asked for Gold to be granted bail to go immediately to the mental health unit due to concerns about her health.Ms Jowitt said her condition may mean Gold is unable to fully understand bail conditions.The court was told Gold had made some “delusional comments”.Magistrate Cameron McKenzie granted bail ordering she be taken to the mental health unit immediately for assessment.The matter was adjourned to April [email protected] follow Lea Emery

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