Each week, Sunday Life quizzes a prominent person about their style and the inspiration behind it. Ahead, contributing editor Georgie Gordon chats to actor Alex Dimitriades.

“I don’t follow trends any more.
I’m basically reconstituting all of my favourite things growing up; there’s a bit of retro going on.”
Credit:Damian Bennett

How would you describe your style?
Mood-based. Style is about what makes you happy and being yourself, rather than being trend-based. A lot of people try to follow things that don’t suit them; you’ve got to dress to your personality.

What’s the oldest thing in your wardrobe?
An awesome Earth, Wind & Fire 1975 tour shirt that I bought from a vintage store in Santa Monica 25 years ago, during my first trip to Los Angeles.

And the most recent addition?
Black Bally leather pants.

What would you wear …
… on a first date? Black leather pants with a crisp white shirt and black Bally monk-strap shoes. It’s the ultimate smart-casual look, the sort of thing you can wear anywhere.
… on a plane? I dress for comfort but you want to look good as well, so everything’s a bit slouchy – comfortable pants, not jeans. It gets cold up there, so I’ve always got a beanie and a scarf.
… to the Oscars? A tux but with an edge, something to personalise it. For instance, when I won a Logie in 2016 for The Principal, I wore a vintage white dinner jacket and a Le Noeud Papillon bow tie that looked black but was actually purple. I wore it as a tribute to Prince, who had just passed away.


What’s your favourite fashion era?
I recently saw an image of the Jackson 5 in 1971: Michael was just a kid, they’re in stripy flared pants, big-collared shirts and hats – it’s psychedelic with a ’60s vibe. I’m feeling that.

Do you have a favourite fashion designer?
No. Every great designer has their moments, they can’t all remain peak.

What’s your favourite fragrance?
I tend to layer them based on mood. The Tom Ford range is a no-brainer.

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