Council will also introduce charges for parking at certain times on Elizabeth St in the North Hobart dining strip.Parking on Elizabeth Street between Federal and Burnett streets will be limited to 30 minutes, at a cost of $1 for half an hour, from 11am-2pm and 5pm-8pm.Parking will be free of charge at other times but the half-hour time limit will remain.

To cater for longer visits, the off-street carparks at Condell Place and Lefroy Street will be free of charge after 6pm for stays of up to three hours.Prior to 6pm, parking will be $2 an hour – a 30 per cent reduction on current charges.Line marking will be implemented in six surrounding streets where commuter parking has caused problems for residential access.A spokeswoman for council said the changes were part of an ongoing program to improve accessibility and travel options in North Hobart, and are being undertaken in full consultation with residents and traders.Also at Monday night’s meeting Council deferred a decision on a new vision for parking and access to North Hobart.Council have commissioned consultants Village Well and MRCagney to develop a Place Vision and an Access and Parking Plan for North Hobart, to guide the future delivery of public amenity, access and parking outcomes in the North Hobart Elizabeth Street retail and restaurant strip.

Proposals in the report include:
INCREASED activation of events in North Hobart’s public spaces including Condell Place carparkATTRACTING a new operator to North Hobart offering convenience products and fresh foodREVITALISING lanewaysTRIALLING a side street pedestrian plaza off Elizabeth St, with the short term closure of Newdegate St

Alderman Marti Zucco labelled the report “a joke”.Mr, Ms Zucco said it was written to achieve a predetermined outcome to turn the Condell carpark into a public space when North Hobart was crying out for parking.Council was to vote on whether to send out a list of questions to traders and residents on their priorities for North Hobart.However there is currently no specific budgetary allocation to support the majority of the proposals included in the report.Council was also advised that due to COVID-19 financial restraints there was limited staffing and resource capacity to support, service and maintain the built improvements proposed.
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