The report of the ICAC’s Operation Dasha has recommended advice be sought about prosecuting Mr Maguire, and former members of the Canterbury City Council.The corruption watchdog found four people linked with the council engaged in “serious corrupt conduct”.Corruption findings were levelled at former councillors Michael Hawatt and Pierre Azzi, then director of city ­planning Spiro Stavis, and former general manager Jim Montague.The ICAC found that Mr Hawatt and Mr Azzi “engaged in serious corrupt conduct” in relation to actions between 2014 and 2016. “They failed to disclose their relationships with developers when exercising their official functions to vote in favour of certain ­development applications and modifications to development consents,” an ICAC statement said.Mr Stavis was also found to have “engaged in serious corrupt conduct” in relationship to planning and development matters.In bombshell findings of the 2018 corruption probe, the ICAC has also referred Mr Maguire to the Director of Public Prosecutions for the consideration of laying criminal charges for giving “false and misleading evidence” to a public inquiry. “The commission is of the opinion that the advice of the DPP should be sought with ­respect to the prosecution of Mr Maguire for offences under s87 of the ICAC Act in respect of his evidence,” the findings state.The report states that Mr Maguire initially denied trying to do business with Mr Hawatt, and denied approaching him in 2016 in attempt to make money out of a business.“It was submitted by counsel for Mr Maguire that the evidence of Mr Maguire would not be false or misleading in a material particular,” the findings state. “This submission is rejected.” Mr Maguire is one of six people who could face possible criminal charges from the DPP, in the opinion of the ICAC for various offences.The ICAC made 23 recommendations to prevent corrupt conduct in its report.NAT – Stay Informed – Social Media

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