Lantry vs Jackson, round 6
Final round, and I think that Lantry needs a knockdown or two to win this.
It’s been so close and the two open up the round with a couple of big, even exchanges.
Lantry lands with a good right, Jackson is on the ropes but springs off and lands with a terrific combination to the body and head.
Lantry slips, the two re-engage and Jackson lands with a two-punch combo.
Lantry misses, now Jackson swings and misses. He is looking for the knockout, Lantry, but Jackson is being watchful.
Both fighters are being caught though.
Lantry stalks forward and then missed with a big uppercut, Jackson with a jab, nice punch from Jackson.
Now the two clinch.
Both will fight right up to the bell, they hug at the conclusion.
That is so, so close.