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Well, at least we’re not being ignored. Sh*t Towns of Australia is currently running a poll to find the ACT’s Sh*ttest Suburb. (They obvs keep the “i” in. We’ll try to be a bit more coy). A shortlist of 12 was complied from suggestions on its Facebook page: Bonner, Calwell, Capital Hill, Charnwood, Coombs, Gungahlin, Kambah, Moncrieff, Oaks Estate, Page, Richardson and Wright. The suburb with the most votes will represent the ACT in the poll for Australia’s Sh*ttest Suburb later in the year. The authors of the satirical site like to call the national capital “Pyongyang in the Bush”. “Populated entirely by overpaid and underworked bureaucrats, parasitic scandal-embroiled politicians, ex-prime ministers, soon-to-be ex-prime ministers, sweaty porn barons, Chinese spies and kangaroos, Canberra is a town that celebrates flagrant corruption, rampant nepotism and beige blandness,” they reckon. Tell us what you really think. “There are only three reasons to visit Canberra: for a mandatory school trip, to roll the Prime Minister, or on a nefarious mish to Fyshwick,” the authors continue. Voting for the sh*ittest suburb closes on Monday when the winner will also be announced. Can’t Wait. (You need to join the mailing list to vote.) If nothing else this hilarious outfit is keeping us all in check.


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